

Monday, September 17, 2012

Today's Top Ten....

There are lots of things I have thought about before typing out my post today. Many of them were so random and to be honest I just couldn't come up with any way to connect them all. So, here you have it....my top ten for today!

1) THE AGGIES WON!!!!!! Hey jack, a win is a win!

2) In our contemporary service Sunday morning we sang a bluegrassy (not sure if that's a word) version of 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus and that was just the song I needed to be reminded of!! I'm always amazed at how music can impact my soul.

3) Our home was a gathering place for all kinds of activity Saturday night! Kids were in and out, laughing and carrying on and we had THE BEST burgers for dinner!!! Brian made up some blue cheese and bacon hamburgers and I fried us some onion rings. It was a very good meal! Here is the recipe for the Onion Rings from Pioneer Woman:


4) Did I mention the Aggies won?

5) Koby is escorting the Sophomore Homecoming Maid at chapel and he has been so excited about the possibility of wearing a suit and buying a new tie! Those of you who know Koby can appreciate the excitement he has about all of this. Here is a preview of his look for chapel:

As you can tell, he is all about dressing up! Brendan snapped this picture of him tonight as he was strutting around the living room "practicing his walk". The big event is next Friday so I can only imagine how much more practicing he will do!!

6) My friend Beth Farlow has been battling cancer for four years now. She has two boys ages 5 and 8 and when this all started four years ago the doctors weren't sure she would see them grow up. This weekend she got some news that a new drug was on the market and she would be able to try it immediately. This is a huge praise for her and her family! Here is a link to her Caring Bridge site and if you have a minute today please lift this family up in prayer. It has been a long road but they are such an encouragement to me as they face the struggles that have been put before them.


7) It has rained here almost all day and this week we will see some night time temps in the high 40s. This is getting me excited about fall! Bring on the cooler weather and fall sweaters!!

8) In just a few days I am going to the second annual dot Mom event sponsored by Lifeway!! I can't wait!! I also want to encourage you to visit Lifeway's homepage, search for dot Mom and then look at the dates that have been set for the next two events. If you are anywhere close to these events, YOU HAVE TO GO! Get some other friends and take off!! You will receive a blessing if you attend and the one in Frisco, TX in February is already on my radar. I love all three speakers that will be leading that event. Check it out!!

9) I finally figured out Pintrest!! It wasn't as hard as I thought and already I am finding some great recipes, neat do-it-yourself crafts and lots of decorating ideas. I've enjoyed looking at all the different things but at the same time I find myself wondering if these people have teenagers who play sports and a full time job and if they clean their house or do laundry or anything fun because who comes up with this stuff?! Anyways, for now I'm enjoying "pinning" some ideas and at least I'm not hanging on to magazines or newspaper articles this way. Tell me your pintrest name in the comment section so I can follow you!!

10) Duck Dynasty is back in less than a month!!! Set your DVR for Oct. 10!

So, that's it! Hope your week is great.....



  1. Loved your random thoughts - Beths site shows such amazing faith - Love Kobys homecoming look - looking forward to fall - and Gig'em!!

  2. Haha....gotta love Koby Jay! Haven't gotten to look at the dot Mom site yet though you told me awhile ago - still sounds fun! Maybe after the baby I can plan for one. Our Sunday school girls would love it for a retreat!

  3. i can totally relate to the random thooughts...my mind is bouncing from one thing to another between work and kids and church and functions. koby is looking quit spiffy!! totally taking a group to the dot mom thing... did you mention the ags won?!
