

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Life is Beautiful...

It is no secret with my family that I love to take pictures!!! I have albums and albums and albums! The kids know I am always ready to take a quick picture and I think they have pretty much given up on fighting against it.

When we were stationed in Guam I would take a roll of pictures, have them developed in double prints and then keep a set for my album and send a set back home. I have to say digital pictures have saved my husband tons of money!!! (which may have possibly been off set by the two or maybe three cameras I have lost but let's not bring that up)

Brendan has never really likes pictures. Koby is always good for a smile in front of the camera and Kamdyn loves to pose, but I think maybe I scarred Brendan for life when I literally photographed his daily progress as a baby. But for me, pictures are snapshots of life. One day, when my memory is a little foggy, I want to be able to look at the snapshots of this beautiful life and see the things that I may have forgotten along the way.

So please, indulge me as a mother and look through the pictures that are a snapshot of Prom 2013...

This is the first picture I took and Brian hadn't even had a chance to change out of his work clothes! Brendan was stressed that he would be late to the Riverwalk for picture time so I quickly snapped this up. Well, honestly I took one more on my cell phone of him getting in the car and tried to get him to pose for another but finally just let him go.

I was the last mom to get to the Riverwalk (because it's also no secret I tend to be 5 minutes late quite often) but this was my first official picture of Brendan and Ellie.
Did I mention I take LOTS of pictures?

I just have no words for this! Ok actually I do. My brain tells me he is grown up but my heart sees him as that flat top little boy who wanted to grow up to be Luke Skywalker or the red Power Ranger. I see this picture and realize time is slipping away and we have so much to still teach him! I want to cram all kinds of lectures and talks in to the next year. I mean, the boy has got to learn to operate the washing machine and all sorts of important things!! 

These guys are two of Brendan's best friends and I am so thankful God has put them in his life! They are dates for two of the girls that are in my Sunday School class and that have been on my cheer squad. I love these girls and they looked absolutely gorgeous for Prom!! 

Will is Ellie's youngest brother and he is in the first grade. I think he likes Brendan as much as her! He wanted to have his picture taken with them.

And I took this picture of them checking their phones to see what pictures they would be putting out on social media!! 

At our Prom not only do the kids vote on King and Queen but they also vote on Most Beautiful and Most Handsome and Cutest Couple. Brendan and Ellie were voted Cutest Couple and they won $20 to the movies. I am sure Ellie will be happy that she can actually go to the movie and maybe even get a popcorn with Mr. Cheap Date.

And finally, I had to include this!! Apparently on the drive over to Prom, Ellie put together this little collage and posted it on Instagram. Not only is this Brian and I and Brendan and Ellie but it is also her parents going to her mother's Prom in 1994. Apparently sparkle really was big back in the day! Lots of people have gotten the biggest kick out of this picture and I hated not to share it.
When I speak to parents of young children I always tell them to soak in every stage and embrace each experience because time goes so quickly. I thank you for letting me share the snapshots of this experience here and I also hope you can see that life is beautiful. 


  1. Love all the pictures - poor B has lots to learn in his last year of high school - you better get busy - sure he will get lots of info on the beach trip!

  2. love the pics! of course they won cutest couple...just look at them :) yes, i'm sure we can teach him lots in the week at the beach!
