

Monday, September 30, 2013

Because it's fall y'all..

Tonight I am catching up on pretty much anything that I didn't get done this weekend. Maybe you can relate! I mean, how does the work week creep by and Saturday and Sunday are just BAM and over? I think it's why I can't stand to sleep in on Saturday mornings, unless you count this past Saturday when I did in fact roll back over after seeing 7:00 a.m. on my clock because we rolled in from our game only five hours earlier!

But Brian and I didn't have big plans for Saturday other than the usual laundry, grocery shopping and cooking that usually comes with a "lazy day" at home. We were eager to watch some college football and I was anxious to eat something cooked in my own kitchen. This time of year it seems I don't cook as much as I would like so I always look forward to a weekend at home where I can do just that.

The weather here has turned cooler and I have been so thankful! We had steak Saturday night for our pregame meal (the Aggies played Arkansas) and then I made a big batch of Taco Soup Sunday afternoon for us to enjoy.

Our boys won a big game Friday night over in the delta and Koby was so excited! This game should make them eligible for the playoffs and that was one of their goals going into the season. Here are two pictures from the game....

Koby and one of his good friends usually lead the team on to the field...

...And here I don't really understand what it is that Koby is doing, but whatever it is he is doing it well I guess! He scored both two point conversions for the team and sometimes when I see him out on the field I remember a shirt he used to wear as a little boy - "Small but Mighty". It would seem that mantra stuck with him.

I love all that fall is bringing to the table this year - favorite comfort foods, football and fall festivities such as homecoming! Now, I know I grew up pre-social media and Pintrest, back in the dark ages of passing notes in class or making a phone call where your parents might answer and figure out who had an interest in you. But can I assure you times have changed!

Tonight Brendan came in with a Walmart sack asking Koby to come outside in the dark and help him do something. Now, this caught my interest for a number of different reasons, the top of which was our boys doing something together in the dark that involved kindness in their speech and a willingness to help one another out. It was a proud moment for this mother! And then I stepped outside to the drive way...

....where we found Brendan and no less than 250 candles! Be still my Pintrest heart!!! Apparently he decided to ask Ellie to the Homecoming dance this Friday and well, why use words on paper or over the phone? I mean we have come a really long way people!!

So fall has arrived y'all! Kamdyn and I have both pulled out our boots, I am on the lookout for that perfect pot of mums and I'll be digging out the fall wreath later this week. Each times the season change I am reminded there is a season for every part of life...and right now I am thankful for this season of raising teenagers, spending more time with Brian and slowing down our pace.

{If you have a chance, click over to www.boomama.net and read a post she wrote about another way things have changed over the years. It is sure to provide you with a laugh!}

Fall also brings new episodes on TV and I was thrilled Nashville was back! Since I can't see any episodes of Downton Abby until January, I was in need of some mindless entertainment and I really do love the country music in this show! Brian and I are also tuning in to the new show Blacklist (or something like that). You know I love a FBI thriller show and will be a fan in a minute if it even remotely makes me think of Alias or 24.

I'm hoping to post pictures this week from all of the homecoming festivities at school so I'll be checking back in soon unless I get sidetracked with my TV shows.

I hope the cooler weather has made its way to you ...


  1. love homecoming week! hope yalls is awesome. and wow...brendan...can you talk to john for me?? haha. good luck to koby and his team. i have worn my boots and made a fall wreath, so i'm welcoming fall with ya!!!

  2. FALL? 76 degrees this morning at 6am, then 92 at 1pm, and mesquitoes big enough to carry away a dog!!!
