Well, I was SO excited to begin advertising a few weeks ago for a new study called "Unglued". Once I saw the title I just knew this would be the study we would do. I found myself reading over the synopsis and nodding my head to all of it!! Did I need to know how to resolve conflict in my most important relationships? Yes I did! Did I need to learn how to be honest but kind when offended? As a matter of fact I did! Did I need to learn how to respond with no regrets by managing my tendencies to stuff, explode or react somewhere in between? Absolutely!! And I began to think if I needed some help here, maybe others would too. I really feel as though I can't be the only woman in America who gets frustrated with her children from time to time or the super-slow-yet-completely-grumpy check out lady at Walmart or the person sitting at a red light on the phone after the light has turned green! (oh wait, maybe that was me!)
Some days, it is just easy to come unglued and spout of hurtful words or angry words or even sarcastic words to our families, friends or coworkers. I almost hate to ask my kids if they can confirm that I am at times a bit unglued and surely wouldn't want to ask Brian. Unfortunately, when we allow ourselves to become unglued we most often hurt the ones around us who love us the most.
"Unglued" is a study written by Lysa Terkeurst, one of the writers for Proverbs 31 ministries. Please follow the link here and check it out. I believe this study will challenge us as women to think before we react, to show self control and to stop the devil dead in his tracks by obeying God. I think you will love it! Our group is excited!!
As a total P.S. to this post in a completely unrelated way, here is a picture of Brendan and his girlfriend from Monday night!! Her mother came through for me and took a picture of them before they left her house. See kids, a mother always wins!
wow kristy. he is so stinkin' handsome! i read your blog about him picking her up for her birthday and cried again, of course! i love, love, love proverbs 31 ministry, and i have not read this study. thanks for the tip! love u, aunt pam