

Monday, August 13, 2012

Lessons from a cheerleader....

So tonight was "Meet the Rams" night at the school. The cheerleaders performed, we met the football players and soccer girls and I can honestly say it feels like fall (minus the date being August 13). Our daughter is participating in her first year as a cheerleader on the JV squad. I will admit I was hesitant at first. But when I looked at this picture tonight I knew we made the right decision to support her desire to cheer.

She was SO excited to perform tonight and she did such a great job! I can remember being her age and being way too intimidated to ever think about trying out for cheerleader. She could care less if her jumps are high or if her body type fits the typical cheerleader form and that has been such an encouragement to me. In my life there are still many things I am not confident in; yet here is our 13 year old daughter reaching for a dream, making memories and having fun because she was willing to try something outside of her comfort zone. 

This kind of makes me wonder what would happen if I served the Lord with that same excitement? I am reminded of Matthew 22:37 where Jesus tells the Pharisees that the greatest command is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Hmmm....going all out for God. Who knew you could learn such a lesson from a cheerleader?


  1. So excited for you - this is a great idea and love the first two! Love Ya, MOM

  2. so excited for you and very impressed! i also love Pioneer Woman and her recipes and tv show. keep up the good work! love, aunt pam
