

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Because there is change...

Well the polls are closed and the votes are in. Moving forward is on everyone's mind as we wonder what another four years will look like. It is kind of hard to think ahead to what can change in four years, be it political or anything else.

Koby reminded me last night that he would be voting in the next election. This is a scary thought, but last night he sat and watched the returns for over three hours all the while asking questions and giving his input to what was being said. I hated to see him disappointed at the way things worked out but it did give us an opportunity to talk about why it is important to vote based on your convictions and not because of what a person looks like or has.

No matter which way your vote was cast one thing is clear...there is change coming! As I thought through some of the op-ed pieces I have read in various news outlets I was reminded of one thing - the values and beliefs that I hold on to may no longer be the same as the majority of Americans. The right to life, the right to bear arms, stong defense of this country, marriage defined in the traditional way and the independence that comes through hard work at a job are key issues to me. I am concerned for my children and their children in this new America of the future so I'll continue to pray but more importantly I will continue to trust God as He leads and protects our future.

As I have mentioned, in our home we have changed sports seasons. Today was picture day for our basketball teams so while I was down in the gym herding athletes through the picture lines I snapped this picture...

Kamdyn was more excited to take this picture than the boys, as you can tell.  Again, I am most certain my children love the fact that I am right there at school with them! The boys have a home game tomorrow night and we are all on the road Friday night.

Basketball season is my very favorite and I am looking forward to it this year! I believe God gave me a love for the game as opposed to talent for the game and really I am ok with that. I came to terms with it a long time ago!! All three of our kids are competitors though and without bragging I have to say they do have more talent than I ever could've hoped for. I'll be keeping you posted on the season as it develops.

Finally, I can't post without saying that all the talk around here is about the upcoming game this weekend between our Texas ATM Aggies and Alabama. Tuscaloosa is less than an hour from our home and there are plenty of Roll Tide fans around here, all of which think this game is done and in the books. I hate that we can't be in College Station tomorrow night for the Yell Practice that will be going on!! I am hoping it gets the team fired up before heading over this way!

I am on the lookout for any good soup recipes because this change in weather has me wanting warm foods! If you have a good soup recipe, let me know. I'd love to test it out and share it with others on the blog. I've been looking over on Pintrest but in all honesty my time spent on Pintrest makes me feel a little bit like an underachiever. It's fun to look at it and if you saw my cyberspace folders on Pintrest you would expect that my home is organized and decorated and my family eats great food. That is not so much true but hey, change is coming...


  1. Kam looks great! Love her hair! Sorry to the boys but their non-excitement shines through...lol

  2. I made a good chicken taco soup the other day...I'll email it to you! love your posts. they make me cry....love, aunt p
