

Friday, November 2, 2012

Blessings Pouring Down...

I mentioned earlier that this would be a big week for our family! While I have been slowed down a little by 2 doctor visits and a pneumonia diagnosis, things for our family have continued to move on. Thankfully I have been able to be at each big moment, but I will also admit I have spent quite a bit of time in my comfy chair getting caught up on my dvr Nashville episodes! By the way, I love this show!!

And here is what has been happening in our little world this week:

Yes, basketball is here! This is our kids favorite sport to play and Kamdyn was so happy to get back into it after all the trouble with her knee. They played in a preseason tournament Monday and Tuesday and while their teams have some work to do, I believe we will have an interesting and productive season. The kids' talent for the game doesn't so much come from me but I do enjoy watching them play! I may be a tad partial but I think they all three have skill and determination to play and my prayer is that they will remain thankful for the talent the Lord has given them and that they will always remember to give Him the honor and the glory.

We  have also celebrated Brendan's induction into the National Honor Society! While he was not as excited about this as I was, he did enjoy the breakfast they had following the induction and the free day out of school.

As I watched him sign his name in the NHS Registry then light his candle and repeat the pledge I had a quick flashback to when I did the exact same thing. I was probably a little more excited about it than Brendan and as the memory kind of came and went for me I said a little prayer that God would continue to lead Brendan academically to accomplish His goals and purposes.

Finally, this was perhaps the biggest thing happening in our home this week.... After 19 1/2 years in the U.S. Air Force Brian was promoted to Senior Msgt. (AKA E-8). This was a major milestone for Brian and a blessing that we most certainly did not anticipate. When Brian entered the Air Force at 19 I didn't know him yet. After we met and started dating I realized what it truly meant to work in Labor and Delivery and once we got married I realized what it truly meant to put on that uniform daily and go and do whatever the Air Force says is needed.

When we were stationed at Barksdale AFB in Shreveport we grew our family. When God saw fit to use the Air Force as a way to make me grow up, we moved to Anderson AFB in Guam (which by the way is a SMALL island on the other side of the world, literally!). In our two years in Guam we grew our marriage and I learned what it meant to truly leave your family behind and cling to your spouse. In 2002 the Air Force sent us to Columbus AFB here in Mississippi, our number 8 choice on a list of 8 possible places we wanted to be. While we didn't put as much prayer into that list of 8 as we should have, I firmly believe it was God's intention to bring us to this place where we have grown our faith.

Brian has moved up the ranks, going through deployments, special duty assignments, countless dinners and classes winning awards and distinctions all along the way. He has led men in war and in the classroom. He has always put our family before his job even up to taking this stripe. He is an Airman's Airman. He fights for those young kids trying to make their way in life through the Air Force teaching them discipline and hard work. As we come across them in the commissary or at other base events I see the way the young airmen look at him with respect and appreciation. I can't tell you how proud and thankful I am for the choice he made at 19 to be a part of this nation's greatest force. Here is the video of his actual promotion but remember I am new to all this using of the technology so I am not sure how good the quality is:


 So, that pretty much summarizes how our week has been. Rocky and I are still snuggled up in my comfy chair. I'm trying to rest up so I can go over to Starkville tomorrow and see my Aggies BTHO Mississippi State!!! We are so excited about seeing another Aggie game and at this one we will be with some of our best friends from this area. Starkville is only about 30 minutes from our house so we are friends with many MSU alumni. This promises to be a great game and we will be doing our best to cheer the Ags on. Look for us on TV, we will be the ones in the maroon!!!!! Gig'em Ags....


  1. Big week with lots of memories - so proud of each of you - hope you feel better and get us a AGGIE win,

  2. super proud of brian and for your family! and awesome job brendan! can't wait to see yall over the holidays :) hope you are feeling better.
